No More Heroes tells the story of Travis Touchdown, an anime fan who lives in the fictional town of Santa Destroy, California. After an unexpected turn of events, Travis finds himself at the bottom of an Assassins' organization. Travis will have to prove himself worthy and defeat 10 other bloodthirsty killers - all with deep stories of their own - to make his way to the top of the assassins league.
Hack and Smash Your Way Through Santa Destroy, California: Unleash a lethal combination of sword slashes and wrestling moves in this fast paced third-person action game. Easy to learn, but challenging to master.
Roam a Sand Box Universe in Full 3D: Immerse yourself in a modern, highly stylized world. Roam the city on foot or slide around corners on your speed bike.
An Action Experience Unlike Any Other on Wii: Bring the pain and let your plasma-beam katana do the talking. You control the action with two Wii remote sensitive attack stances and an arsenal of close combat wrestling moves.
Interactive Special Attacks and Over-The-Top Finishing Moves: Complete special moves by matching your Wii remote's movements to the cues on screen. The crazier you finish off your opponent, the more cash you'll earn for your efforts.
Side Missions and Mini-Games: Complete side jobs for extra cash or just play them for fun. Features games like Pizza Delivery, Graffiti Blaster and Speed Bike Racing.
Highly Stylized Environments and Gameplay: Features environments that are both stunning and stylish. Gameplay gives a nod to the classic arcade games of the 80's, as well as the games of tomorrow. |